Saturday, December 27, 2008

NOLA here I come!

I'm pleased as punch to announce that I have won the company Sugar Bowl trip to New Orleans! Being the top at my job in our region, I qualified for the trip, which ensues on New Year's Eve... yes, I will be in New Orleans, LA on New Year's Eve!!!! I'm so tickled I could just doodle-dance! I'm taking my dad with me and we are staying in a hautned hotel! It's all too fabulous and I can't wait to come back and blog all about it.

As soon as I'm home from that trip, I'm taking my mom to D.C. to the Kennedy Center to see one of the final productions by the Broadway cast of Legally Blonde. THEN, once I'm settled back into my lovely home, I'm dropping the bomb on "A". His job is out of jeopardy and he has proven over and over and over again during these past months that there is nothing that can salvage this pitiful excuse for a marriage. I have thought and thought about what to do with our baby and I have decided to dog-nap him and hide him away. Even though "A" is home more than I am, that little dog loves ME and clings to ME and would be lost without me. I will figure out a way to take him with me, send him to doggy-daycare, and fill in with my dad walking him every once in a while. I'll just have to get up really early some days and stay up really late some nights... whatever the cost, I cannot imagine being without him.

So... by January 15th, things will be up in the air again here at my house. Wish me luck! It ain't gonna be pretty.


gailpet said...

Congrats on your trips and accomplishments!!! And best of luck with your January activities. I will be thinking about you. HUGS.

Timestep said...

I've been in New Orleans on NYE - It's a blast! You will have so much fun.

I miss the Kennedy Center. Hopefully some day I'll have the chance to take the girls. Growing up outside of DC I spent quite a bit of time doing standing room.

G/L when you get back. Jan 15 is Sydney's birthday, it was a lucky day for me, I hope you find it's a fabulous milestone for you.

Jules said...

Hugs, hon...I hope you get a fresh start this coming new year!

And we have a fabulous doggie witness relocation program here in the Pacific NW...if you need us temporarily til the you-know-what that hits the fan settles. :)


Donna said...

Good luck Lauren! NOLA is one of my favorite places -- hope you have a good time. As for the doggie, I can attest that you were the one to get the dog in the first place!

tims_mom said...

Hope you have a FABULOUS trip! What a way to ring in a NEW YEAR, full of hope and endless possibilities!


Timestep said...

Nudge - it's the 15th. I'm thinking of you!

Jules said...

update please!!!