Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Drive Home...

Retrograde Motion

Driving down the boulevard yesterday, I saw three very attractive young women in crack-hugging shorts and cleavage revealing t-shirts trying to entice male drivers into the local Hooters. The whole scene set the women's movement back a century. For so long, women fought to be seen as something more than sexual objects and baby-making machines... and here these young women stood, striking provocative pose after provocative pose... what a shame.


Two blocks away from the scene above, I see a pick-up truck bearing the following bumper sticker: "Kill 'em all -- Let Allah sort them out." This is the same grade of intolerance that defines the "Islamic extremists"... what a shame.

False Advertising

Another mile down the road, I nearly crashed my car at the site of a filling station with regular grade gas advertised for $2.92 per gallon. As I prepared to make a U-turn to go back, I realized that all of the Regular and Plus nozzles were covered with bags... they only had Premium for $3.19 per gallon. False advertising... what a shame.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Jack, honey, you've obviously never tried to use public transporation in the suburban US. In our area, it S-U-C-K-S!!! You can't get from point A to point B easily or on time! Add to that the fact that I work in sales and have to travel from office to office and house to house to do my job... and I'm just not a good candidate... although the thought of just reading a book while travelling to my appointments sound EXTREMELY attractive! :o)

Normie... true, true, true...

And TGoV... you're spot on!