Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gas Wars

This morning, for about the hundreth time, I received the e-mail that encourages Americans to boycott American petroleum company ExxonMobil. For me, that's virtually an impossibility, because I've already boycotted foreign gas suppliers Citgo (Venezuelan), Shell (Dutch) and BP (British), in an effort to keep my dollars at home. That doesn't leave many other options, save the independents -- and I can't seem to find out where their gas comes from.

Perhaps I've become too much the nationalist here recently -- buying American whenever I can -- but given the significant impact that foreign products are having on my local economy (Norfolk Ford Plant to Close), I just can't see myself inflicting even the smallest of injuries to an American company. Perhaps I'm naive to think that my measly contributions to US companies could have even the slightest of impacts... but to sit idly by and watch industry after industry move overseas is frightening. We are already so dependent on foreign imports that our country could be paralyzed at the mere whim of a hostile nation.

I'm just saying...


Ron said...

you are putting that american oil company gas in an american car, right?

Lauren said...

Abso-freakin-lutely! I drive a FORD!