Saturday, August 02, 2008

Step One:

Make lists, make lots of lists, obsess about said lists, feel overwhelmed by lists, tear up lists and start over.

Step One: make ONE list of all of the lists you need to make... no... wait...
Step One: Determine the order of action required to sell the house... and put it on a list...

I am in list hell, but I'm making progress. So far, here's my list:
  1. Decide whether to sell house as-is, or whether to make improvements.
  2. If I decide to make improvements, do the following: Update kitchen, den and bathrooms, work on curb appeal (hell, that could take a YEAR!)
  3. Rent a POD and clear out all of the extra "stuff" in the house, including "A" -- okay, so maybe I won't put HIM in the POD... but then again... (smile)
  4. Put house on market
  5. Put down money on FANTABULOUS condo overlooking the river and pray that the house sells before closing on the condo.
  6. Wait
  7. Oh yeah... and file for divorce. There's always that.


tgov said...

If you do decide on improvements, focus in the following order:
1. Kitchen (if the layout is good, just update cabinet faces and countertops, stainless appliances but nothing over the top)
2. Bathroom (just make it clean and neutral - but put in an appealing faucet set at the sink)
3. Curb appeal. Trim/clear away anything that looks 'high maintenance' (overgrown shrubs, etc) put spots of color (even if just potted flowering plants) along the route to the main entry.

that's where the greatest pricing benefits lie. Select a realtor who knows how to market your house online, and will make high-quality brochures of the pertinent info: school districts, etc)

Good luck with it!

Jules said...

Get an agent, and tell them to tell you what NEEDS to be done, vs. WANTS...then ask them for help in finding someone to do the work.

Get A out of there (is he gone? there? just his stuff?) before you put the house on the market.

I would wait to sell to put an offer in on the condo. Condos don't move quickly, and I'm willing to bet the one you want will still be there, and if not another one will be!

Good luck! Way to work towards getting unstuck girl. No regrets. Just forward motion!
