Tuesday, March 01, 2005

What don't dogs GET about weekends?

Did you ever wonder why dogs don't get weekends? I mean, my pup is wide awake at 5am -- just like every other day -- and I simply cannot get him to understand that weekends are for sleeping IN!

I suppose it must be nice to look forward to each day with so much enthusiasm... and I look forward to my weekends... but I look forward to NOT having to turn on the alarm clock and NOT having to crawl out of bed before the sun's begun its ascent. It's a virtual impossibility, however, to get even one extra minute of sleep at my house. Caleb's there, Johnny on the Spot, at 5am, licking my hand or arm or (God forbid) my face... tail wagging... ready to frolic in the yard, chase the birds and then take a nice long nap. I don't get naps. Something's terribly wrong with this picture! Is there a Puppy Training Camp for weekend etiquette? If so, sign me up! I need a nice long Saturday snooze!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Caleb sounds like so much fun! Our dog now sleeps in anytime she can. She's a lazybones. Maybe Caleb is still a pup at heart. He's so adorable.