Friday, February 25, 2005

When is it okay to bitch-slap your boss?

I'm just curious. Is there a defined set of circumstances under which this is permissible? Is there a "get out of jail free" card for having endured months on end of lying and conniving and condescension? Would a jury believe me if I told them that I'd been pushed beyond the limits of human endurance?

I cannot even begin to fathom what next week (my last week) will bring! She's circling the wagons and I'm most definitely being left in Indian territory. (Not that that's a bad thing, mind you, I'm part Indian myself and have always supported the Native Americans in any struggle -- especially those involving land, buffalo or horses.)

I fear that one more snide remark will unravel my very last nerve and set me loose on the woman like a lioness on fresh wildebeest. I envision an all-out chick fight, rife with hair-pulling, kicking, scratching and name calling that would make a sailor blush. Of course, I win... but not before personally cracking every over-priced veneer in her wee little noggin'.

Whew!!! Who knew I had such violent tendencies?!?

I guess propriety will not allow me to fulfill this glorious fantasy, huh? It was nice while it lasted... if only in my mind.


Tammy said...

Ah, glorious fantasy, Lauren!!!!! But we will hold you back, wouldn't want you to do anything that would jeopardize YOUR future, now would we??? LOL! Glad you can vent here, and honestly, good riddance to that job and that boss! You are on your way to better places...

Cindy said...

Wanting to do nasty things to your boss is normal for anyone. :) I can't even imagine having to be at work for the last week.

I'd think it would be pretty much slacking off and not really caring!