Thursday, June 23, 2005

The hair on the mole on the wart on the frog...

on the lump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. That's what I feel like today.

Have you ever had a week where everything you did seemed to turn to shit -- that no matter how carefully you chose your words, people took them the wrong way -- that no matter how hard you worked, the results you sought eluded you -- that no matter how hard you TRIED, you just kept getting nowhere? If you have then you understand why, today, I'm wondering what the hell I got out of bed for. I feel like a complete and utter failure and the turn of events this week could, quite possibly, spell financial disaster for us. I know there has to be some deep well of resolve that will get me through this -- I've been through much worse -- I just can't seem to tap in to it at the moment and I find myself in the midst of a full-blown pity-party... care to join me for a drink!


3outta5 said...

BT..doing that..... I'll be right over. We will drown our sorrows -- better get LOTS of something to knock us completely OUT.

Biggest ((((HUGS)))) Lauren.


Tammy said...

So sorry things are so rotten right now... ((((((hugs))))) to you Lauren. ANd yes, I do know the feeling, feel it way too often as a matter of fact. I'm beginning to wonder if it is my "normal".