I've rediscovered a really cheap form of therapy -- at least for me -- pulling weeds! After having an absolute piss-ripper of a migraine yesterday and going to bed around 7pm last night, I awoke this morning feeling fabulous! I grabbed a cuppa and headed outside to tackle the front flower beds, which resembled a miniature jungle!
There's something therapeutic about removing things that don't belong and restoring order -- and there's something incredibly gratifying about ripping unruly weeds from their foothold -- roots and all -- and tossing them gingerly over my shoulder into the waste heap. I don't recall thinking anything in particular as I toiled away in the sweltering 90 degree heat -- but I did have a wonderful sense of relief and accomplishment when it was all done.
Whatever had been bothering me these past few weeks -- whatever that sense of doom -- it's gone now. Thanks to a pile of weeds, my life seems more in control and I am at peace. I wonder how many therapy sessions it would have taken at $150 a pop to accomlish the same thing?
Finally, I had a chance to come and offer you some encouragement and there you go, pulling weeds to get rid of it. You sound so much like me...a good sleep and a day to do something different often gets my mind back in order.
Lauren, I hope you are taking care of you... in the stress of your life, I really wish I could come help. Please know you are always in my prayers.
As you posted to me a few days back... Proverbs 3:5-6 right backatcha!!! ((((hugs)))))
When are you coming over? I could really use your weed pulling skills!! ;-)
Glad you are feeling better.
Big (((HUGS)))
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