Friday, December 03, 2010

Day One: One Word #Reverb10

I have decided to participate in a blogging project. The object of the project is to reflect on 2010 and manifest what's next for 2011. I'm a few days behind... so will endeavor to catch up in the quiet of this balmy December day in Hawaii.


December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)

2010 was a year of CHALLENGE for me. As much as 2009 taught me about not being defined by what I do or what I own, 2010 challenged me to reevaluate who I am in this world. The year began with the challenge of belonging. You see, I sold everything I owned, left family, career and home and moved 4600 miles away to a small rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean... all for love. The challenge was to figure out how and where I belonged in this new life - a life with a man whose household had long ago been established in bachelordom, with a defacto step-son who was 18 and making it crystal clear that he did not need me in his life, in a culture that is not welcoming of 'round-eyes', and an economy with few opportunities to earn the kind of income I had come to expect. Yes, 2010 has definitely been a challenge... and the challenge has not really changed so, in creating my future I choose BELONGING for 2011.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Nice. I had a similar theme choosing "Challenging" and "Transition"; I'm a little behind your time line but feeling you on the upheaval.