Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Curse of the Big Boobies

Oh, for the days of wearing Danskin leotards sans brassiere... they're long gone, I fear. Now, I'm strapped with 38DD honkers that just won't be still. I walk - they jiggle, I bounce - they bounce, I dance, they... well... they blacken my eyes if I'm not careful. I hate having big boobs... I didn't used to have them and one would have thought that my weight loss of over 20 pounds would have reduced their volume... but no such luck... my legs are skinny, my face is thin... but my boobs remain... only now more prominent because the belly beneath them has disappeared.

I just spent the last half hour standing in front of my mirror trying on every bra in my bureau and then jumping up and down (surely that would have made a great entry for America's Funniest Home Videos). The only one that even remotely tames them also causes the dreaded Uni-Boob phenomenon... one giant boob right in front. It's NOT attractive.

So, it's off to Sears tomorrow to see the bra fitter. I'm thinking perhaps cast iron or brass... If it worked for Brunhilda, surely it will work for me!!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Just like a man! ;o)