Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Job That Wasn't

For six weeks now - since the fateful day I got my lay-off notice -- everyone has been telling me that I'd be fine and that there would always be a place for me on the team in my region. I assumed that on May 5th, I would start a new job and that I would, indeed, be fine. On Thursday, I found out that while I may be "fine" in the long run, there is a hiccup in the plan: they have no spot for me at the moment and I could be unemployed for as much as 90 days while they "create" a spot. Given that I've offered bribe, I mean INCENTIVE, money to "A" to get him to move out, this puts me in a bit of a pickle. Were it not for the remuneration I received for The Trip That Wasn't, I would be up that well known creek with no visible means of propulsion.

I don't know what the Universe has in mind, but it should be an interesting ride!

As for my allusion to an interesting change coming in my life - there was a complete reversal there too... so nothing fun to look forward to.


The good part of my week is that I am at the Beach this weekend on the 12th floor of an oceanfront hotel soaking up one of the most gorgeous days in recent memory. This, thanks to the 75 days I spent in a hotel last year that earned me Platinum Elite status! :-)


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