Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Property Settlement Agreement - Check...

Divorced before my birthday -- check!

I'm so tickled with my attorney I could just dance a jig! Since "A" and I have been living separate and apart since last July with no marital relations (TMI, I know and I'm sorry), as soon as our PSA is filed with the court, I can file my complaint and will more than likely be divorced before my birthday in early June!!!!!

Now, if I can just get him to stop threatening suicide and wanting to take my dog away!!!!!

More later.

1 comment:

Jules said...

P&PT Lauren. So far his threats have worked, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him ramp it up even more when it doesn't work again. He's like a spoiled brat of a child...tantrum city when things don't go his way. Hang in there!