Tuesday, December 27, 2005

This was NOT on my Christmas list...

but somehow, I ended up with strep-throat anyway. I feel as if an 18 wheeler ran over me and then backed up to do it again. Until the antibiotics kick in and I can actually SWALLOW again, I'm going to be scarce around here.

If I don't post before, Happy New Year everyone! May 2006 be a peaceful and blessed year.


Time said...

And Happy New Year to you! Hope you feel better soon.

Sheri said...

Feel better vibes Lauren. Did you niece love the snake?

Happy New Year! I hope 2006 will be a wonderful year for you.

Kim said...

Oh you poor thing! Feel better! Quick! And... this sounds disgusting, and I assure you it is, but in our family we have always gargled with hydrogen peroxide. It's horrid how it foams up in your throat, it's most likey on the poison control center's watch list, and it tastes like absolute ass, but I swear to you, it works! Just don't swallow it and don't rinse your mouth afterwards, keep spitting though or else you'll puke from the foam. Hey, it ain't pretty but you'll feel better.

Lauren said...

Thanks, Tim.

Sheri, she L.O.V.E.D. the snake! Hope 2006 is a stellar year for you too!

Kim, all I can say is Oh.My.Hell. You have GOT to be kidding me! Gargle with peroxide!?!? Of course, I'm really not one to talk about disgusting practices. I've had strep so often that I have actual HOLES in my tonsils, which I have to clean out with a q-tip dipped in alcohol or Lysterine!