Friday, December 02, 2005

The Ugly Cry

Oh. My. God. This is going to sound completely inane... but I can't stop crying and it's all because of a stupid television signal. After waiting four hours for the satellite tv installer to arrive, he pronounced my location unacceptable due to the FREAKIN' ASS PINE TREES in my yard. He said that I wouldn't be able to get ANY of the satellites due to the trees and promptly departed.

So, I called the cable company back... planning to beg and grovel to get them to give me service... and I go round and round with them again about this $257. I argued until I was blue in the face and the girl INSISTED that I owed the money (even though she couldn't explain to me what it was for). Once again, I asked to be called by a supervisor... we'll see how long that takes. I'm not holding my breath.

In the meantime, I can only get weak signals from two channels: ABC and my local PBS station. Woo-hoo.

I am so frustrated and angry that the tears just keep coming and that just makes me madder -- mostly because there are so many things worse than my piddly little problems. Of course, I have a client appointment in an hour and a half and I know my face and eyes will still be splotchy from the ugly cry.


Mike Todd said...

Wow -- that sucks. I hate when something like that happens. At least you can keep us all up-to-date on the latest Teletubbies action.

Good luck! I'm pullin' for ya.

Lauren said...

Yes, there's always that! ;o)
But I seem to recall something about them being EVIL... or maybe if you play their shows backward they're really saying "we are fuzzy gods" or some such non-sense. LOL