So, today I had meetings with potential partner agents with my new company. After making the rounds and meeting some really wonderful people, my distribution leader and I sat down to discuss my projected income for 2006. We came up with a very nice number, based on the agents with whom I'll be partnered.
When I got home, I was so excited about the events of the day that I made the BIG mistake of mentioning that number to Mr. Small. Not five minutes later, he came back with this workshop renovation project that will cost a huge chunk of change. He hasn't even darkened the door of that workshop in two years -- not to mention the fact that he SWORE he'd never work in there again. I haven't made a penny yet and he already has my first quarter earnings spent! What a schmuck! I almost got upset about it, but then I realized that he won't be around to see one red cent of it!!!
I must advise you to amend that number in his brain asap by saying "oops, I miscalculated" (irony considering your job in the financial world. LOL
It's just a CYA move, since Mr. Small being small, when divorce proceedings do begin, he might make some assumptions that he has a right to more stuff or more money.
When are you starting divorce proceeding? Do you plan on surprising him?
Jules has some good advice. They may think he has a right to your new earning. Talk to a lawyer as soon as you can. Halt all purchases.
You're about to start a very difficult journey. Take us along.
Virginia is very old fashioned in divorces and we're not a community property state. His earning potential is the same, if not greater than mine and I plan to start the proceedings before I have any significant reportable earnings. I've already seen an attorney - that's why I got the quit claim deed on the house and had it refinanced in my name only. I don't think he'd have much of a leg to stand on.
you're a damn smart woman. wish i had thought my issues out as well has you have. from the looks of it, you'll come out on top.
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