Saturday, November 12, 2005

The ABC's of Me

  • A is for age: 40
  • B is for booze of choice: either a nice Shiraz or a Cosmopolitan
  • C is for career: Financial Services Professional
  • D is for your dad's name: Bill
  • E is for essential items to bring to a party: Wine and cheese
  • F is for favorite song at the moment: ‘Home’ by Michael Buble
  • G is for favorite game: Scategories
  • H is for hometown: right here
  • I is for instruments you play: piano, keyboard, synth
  • J is for jam or jelly you like: apple butter
  • K is for kids: None
  • L is for living arrangements: Me in one bedroom, STBE (soon-to-be-ex) in another, with my puppy by my side – always.
  • M is for mom's name: Lenora (Lee to her friends)
  • N is for name of your crush: don't have one
  • O is for overnight hospital stays: 2 (ischemic migraine and emergency back surgery)
  • P is for phobias: snakes and things that go bump in the night
  • Q is for quotes you like: "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." William Ernest Henley
  • R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 6 ½ years with my STBE
  • S is for sexual preference: I’ll take a vibrator over a man any day of the week.
  • T is for time you wake up: workdays – 5:30, weekends as late as the puppy will let me sleep
  • U is for underwear: Hanes Her Way
  • V is for vegetable you love: asparagus
  • W is for weekend plans: My nieces’ soccer game in the morning, then rehearsing my presentation, then I’m off to the Virginia Chorale to enjoy a concert!
  • X is for x-rays you've had: a bajillion of my back, several of each of my arms, a few chest x-rays and one of my right ankle.
  • Y is for yummy food you make: KILLER macaroni and cheese from scratch
  • Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini (II)


Teena in Toronto said...

I love Michael Buble ~ my boxercise instructor sometimes plays "Home" as the cool down song.

Teena in Toronto said...

Here's mine: